Thursday, January 29, 2009

A day in the life...

  This semester if filled with school and work.  I decided to take three classes instead of the usual two.  I wanted to graduate this may and not at the end of summer.  Because of this choice I'm the busiest I think I've been in a long time.  The classes that I am taking are English- Elements of Argument, Humanities- online, and a Social Health and Diversity class.  My homework pretty much consists of reading, and writing.  I have not gained the talent of writing papers easily.  For the most part it will take me all day to write a simple paper.  Practice will make perfect and eventually I hope to become a much quicker writer.  
  Along with going to school this semester i am working two jobs.  I have my main job at the salon doing hair.  I have been at Eclips for almost five years.  Time flies when you are cutting hair.  I love working there.  I have learned a lot and I hope that I will always continue doing hair.  In the mornings I teach P.E. at Hayden Peak Elementary.  I have been doing this job for two years.  I love my kids.  Even though I still can't remember all of there names.  They do say some of the funniest things, and no matter how frustrated yo can get with them they still love you.  This might be my last year teaching there.  I will be sad when it is all over, but I am very grateful for the friends I've made and the lessons I have learned.  
  When  I am not doing homework or working, I like to plan my next trip.  So far this year has been planned out.  My first adventure is going to be in March.  For spring break some friends and I are going on a 4 day cruise to Catalina Island and Ensanada, Mexico.  It's still going to be cool weather, but anything will be better than the daily high of 40 degrees.  After our cruise we are staying an extra day in California to visit Mickey and friends at Disneyland.  I love Disneyland.  I think after this visit I will have to take a break from going for a while.  I've been there 4 times in the last 18 months.  Okay only three times, one time was Disney World.  Still I'm going to have to take a break from Mickey Land.